
Durable Medical Equipment

At Aster Pharmacy, we understand that it’s not always just the medicinal support that you need. Illness, injury and simply getting older can all mean that you need a helping hand each and every day to help you get around or to simply make daily tasks that much easier. Struggling with mobility issues, or not being able to move the way you want to can be extremely debilitating. So too can the impact of an ongoing disease or the aftereffects of surgery. With the help of specially designed and durable medical equipment, you can unlock your movements, improve your outlook, and reach for a better and more comfortable quality of life.

We have a full line of home health care and assisted living aids. We are committed to serving the outpatient community with:

Blood Pressure Monitor
Mobility Equipment
Equipment to assist walking such as canes and walkers
Bathroom equipment such as benches
Orthopedic supplies such as back support belts and compression stockings
Respiratory Care (Nebulizers)
Daily living aids